Friday 15 January 2010

Opus Day

The Work - as Christopher Wren modestly called St Paul's - is a workshop on Voice which I've been asked to run with a local AmDram group in Wantage; and I have committed about the same time and effort to this enterprise as I did to both my degrees combined.
I ran one of these puppies last year for the Oxfordshire Drama Network - a sort of support group for AmDram companies throughout the county - and that time I tackled it by thinking of a really funky title and then writing something around it. I used to do this a lot for my MA, like "Was Aristophanes' Comedy Just For the Birds?" and so on.
But a whole workshop on one topic? And voice? The most nebulous, subjective, contentious subject of all?
Too late now - I'm off to nail jelly to the wall. Fingers crossed no-one's read Cicely Berry too closely or the game's up...


Anonymous said...

I once nailed jelly to the wall, it stopped my head hurting so much when I was banging it repeatedly to get the voices out. I did not however, manage to nail jelly to the window - it broke. Have you seen the mess broken jelly makes? Being a vegetarian, I could not eat it up either.

Steve Dineen said...

Oh, God, I can't even be sure who this is. I clearly know too many vegetarian lunatics. If the spelling wasn't so good I'd swear it was Foz...

vespertina said...

I've done that title thing with every paper and article I've ever written, and the thing is: they always rise to the title. So I think a witty title first is a must. You've got to have something to live up to.

And what is with all this "Ooo, I'm not as young as I used to be"? This is a recent development, and I don't like it. You're also not as old as you will be. Hey? Hey?

Steve Dineen said...

Vespertina, I'm not wallowing in self-pity about my age. It's a cry of "will I ever put such childishness behind me and be a grown-up in an interview situation instead of feeling like I'm wearing my Dad's clothes?".
And now I think about it, I should credit you with the "Birds" essay title, for was it not you who mooted it in Lodge Hall?