Sunday 8 March 2009

A Little Trouble

We've all been suffering a bit from skin dryness and rashes, and we've generally been putting this down to climate/water/terrible cheap shower gel. But I seem to have suffered rather more, and especially in one particular, umm... arena.

On Saturday, then, I had to go see the doctor. Just my luck, it's a woman. But very, very nice and with great English, and it's not too awful when she asks me to show her what the trouble is.

She takes one brief, confident, professional look and announces "it's a fungal infection". I heave a sigh of relief that it's not some insane disease (my mind has been working like yeast, ironically) and she writes out a prescription for whatever the German equivalent of Canestan is. Then she says;

"You should also try a bath in a weak camomile tea solution"
"A bath? A bath?" I say, "Jesus, how many bags will I need for that?".

There's a moment of puzzlement on her face, then it clears.

"No, not a bath for you" she says, and nods towards my belt buckle, "for him".


Anonymous said...

I´ve just fallen off my chair in the Tinternet cafe. You kept that one quiet!

Steve Dineen said...

I did try to tell you, but in veiled terms. Didn't want to shock Jenny (until I realised how unshockable she is!!!)

Anonymous said...

I hope you shut the kitchen door at bathtime!

Anonymous said...

More tea, vicar?

Marcus Webb said...

do you ever think these blogs are getting a little too personal? I've heard of a warts and all approach but fungal infections?

I hope you didn't use the best china!

Steve Dineen said...

Hey, I do what I can to get readers! If that involves metephorically waving my tackle about then so be it!