Tuesday 15 July 2008

Bless me, Father...

...for I have sinned. It's been two months since my last confession. Although that's partly due to my laptop finally grinding to a halt (is 15 minutes really OK for a boot-up, Mr Sony? I think not!) and a frenetic bout of line-learning for Wolverhampton.

The rep season is in full throat now - "The Murder Game" opened last week and closed on Saturday to mixed reviews - mainly criticising the play for being a creaky old fossil (which it is, I suppose) but taking time out to have the occasional pop at my Brian "...a little lacklustre to begin with" for example. The rest of the time I was not lacking lustre, it seems. And the Bridgenorth Journal was lovely about me. Marcus, playing Gerry (Brian's nemesis) gets great coverage all round, and deservedly so, it's a very nicely judged portrayal - and if you take a gander at the picture on the right, you'll see why he doesn't have to try quite as hard as some of us to get noticed by the reviewers. Some of us have to rely just on talent! Ho ho!
Tomorrow we start rehearsing "Murder without Crime" which has been re-christened "Murder without Plot" or "Murder without Redeeming Features" so more of that soon.

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