Wednesday 6 October 2010


There's a palpable thrill in the van today, because it's Chipping Norton and the last theatre proper for a while. I saw LCT's "Beauty Queen" here shortly before I was asked to take over, and also their "Caretaker" earlier this year, so it's almost my local theatre.
I'd forgotten the bizarrely high stage, though, which means that even on the deck you're at least two metres higher than the eyeline of the stalls audience. On our 50cm raised stage, we are on an eyeline with the balcony. Our set could have been made for the width, though. It looks gorgeous, and it doesn't creak...

Of course, the boys naturally gravitate to the Ronnie Barker dressing room. The theatre desn't seem to have any particular connection with him, though - as far as I  can make out, his antiques shop in nearby Deal is the extent of his affiliation with the area - but it's a nice touch, and a good deal less macabre than the Roses in Tewkesbury and their memento mori dressing room plaque to Eric Morecambe.  

1 comment:

Marcus Webb said...

Dear Dineen
Still loving your blog old chum, it's inspiring me to keep at mine :)
So wish i could see you in vertigo (or vertuio as the oxford times seem happier to call it) it's been too long since i saw you and it would be a treat to see you in action again. I would gladly have come to hemel hempstead but will be in egypt on hols and there doesn't seem to many other options for a london bound chap like myself.
Glad you are still out there on the frontline buddy :)
loads of love
m XX