Thursday 7 October 2010


Apparently last night was a triumph - OTC had a bunch of movers and shakers in, all of whom seem to have been favourably impressed.
That won't make any difference to where we're going today, Robertsbridge being out-of-county and one of a growing number of national dates on the roster. It's pretty brave programming when you consider that lots of Oxfordshire venues thought the show too unpredictable to book, despite being a local company and sporting a local actor (i.e. me).
After lunch we spot this church near the pub - it strikes us as very reminiscent of the church in the show - "out of proportion...the tower's too tall, and it leans..."
Anyway, there's a great sense of community in the local hall, from the effort that's gone into preparing our supper (wraps, sandwiches and some pretty spectacular cookies) and the after-show glass of red, to the human chain of ladies helping us with the get-out. I mean, it makes me shudder to see them shouldering 12-foot lengths of scaffolding outside to the waiting Colin, but they won't be stopped. I bet the chiropractor is busy tomorrow.

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