Thursday 29 September 2011

"The One Where Jamie Falls Down The Stairs And Dislocates His Shoulder"

It happens in the middle of the night, and the hospital are shocked to discover that it happened when he was stone-cold sober. As, I have to confess, are some of the cast, but then we are a cynical lot. Mercifully, Malcolm hears Jamie's calls and goes to his rescue (well, after Jamie has had an opportunity to struggle into some underwear). The ambulance arrives when they are still in what used to be called "a state of undress" with the inevitable assumptions made during the check-in procedure at Hereford County.

The patient with one of his eleven co-ordinating slings...
It's a dislocated shoulder - we're all grateful it's nothing worse, but the impact on the show is huge. Big Horse relies entirely on me and Jamie's supporting Matt, and this puts paid to that. With a show that night and several set pieces to rework, we're all called at 3.30.

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